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An Introduction to the Department of Real Estate & Built Environment, College of Public Affairs, National Taipei UniversityHigher-education prospects and careers
Higher education prospective:
For students who wish to strengthen their profession or to pursue a higher degree, our students are suitable for Universities both in Taiwan and other countries. From our previous graduated students, the fields for their masters or PhDs were broadly included: land management, real estate management and development, urban and regional planning, transportation planning and management, rural area planning and development, regional science, land and agriculture economics, environment and resource management, public affairs and administration, engineering surveying, geographic information system, and business administration, etc.
- Careers:
Students graduated from NTPU REBE were widely filled in the positions in both public and private sectors in Taiwan and overseas:
(1)Public sectors:
Central government divisions, including Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD), Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Council for Cultural Affairs, Dept of Land Administration, M.O.I. Construction and Planning Agency, M.O.I., Land Survey Bureau, National Property Bureau, Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan Power Company, CPC CORPORATION, Taiwan Sugar Corporation, Taiwan Post, etc.
(2)Private sectors:
Real estate valuation consultants, Land administration agency, Construction and development company, Real estate agency and consultancy, urban planning and regional planning consultancy companies, the appraisal and investment department of banks and insurance companies, assets management companies and business consultancy companies.
- Certifications:
Students graduate from NTPU REBE are entitled for National Examinations for real estate appraisers, land administration agency, real estate managers, and urban planning engineers.
The Department of Real Estate & Built Environment, College of Public Affairs, National Taipei University originated from the Department of Land Economics & Administration, Taiwan Provincial Junior College of Administration set up in 1949, the very first department specializing in the subject of Land Economics & Administration in Taiwan. In 1955 it was promoted as the Department of Land Economics & Administration, College of Law & Commerce. In 1961 it was promoted as the Department of Land Economics & Administration, College of Law & Commerce, Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing University which was promoted to be National Chung Hsing University in 1971. In February 2000 the Department was re-reorganized as a department under the College of Public Affairs, National Taipei University. In the light of a changing environment, coupled with the intention to enhance its competitiveness, the Department was renamed as the Department of Real Estate & Built Environment in August 2004.
Now the Department can accommodate 120 new undergraduates in two separate day classes (expanded from one class in 1992) while 60 in a night class (since 1961) besides 20 postgraduates (since 2000) each year. In total there are some 800 students taught by 20 full time and 17 part time faculty members. Most faculty members are qualified with PhD degrees yet the recruitment of excellent ones is an ongoing task so as to promote the quality of teaching and research.
The relevant committees of the Department have held many meetings to discuss how to emphasize its focal development since the re-name in 2004. Important conclusions have been reached and the future development of the Department is categorized into four areas namely: Land Administration and Management (LAM), Property Management (PM), Built Environment Planning (BEP) and Information. LAM is the core area providing the fundamental knowledge that the students in the Department have to be equipped with. Based on LAM the students may advance to either the PM or BEP areas for further study so as to increase the competitiveness in their career or research after graduation.
No faculty member of the Department should be limited to just one of the above areas; it is thus essential for him (her) to consolidate related areas leading to distinguished and fruitful results in teaching and research. In conclusion, the Department is to move forward, as a team, following the trend of society and creating new opportunities in order to maintain its competitiveness.
Perspective and Expectation
1. Enrichment of the Curricular Courses
The Department was formerly known as "Department of Land Economics and Administration (LEA)" and focused on the education and training of personnel working on land affairs and practicing land administration matters. Due to the evolution of future economic and social environment, however, the Department has developed its focus on teaching and researching to other related fields, such as real
estate financing, real estate management, real estate development, real estate appraisal, urban/country planning and management, environmental protection and preservation, land measurement and IT-related subjects.
2. Upgrading of the Teaching Faculty
To facilitate the Department's future development to offer related courses, the Department will retain renowned scholars and professionals both locally and internationally as regular or visiting professors. The purpose is to provide related courses for promotion of the teaching and research level of this Department.
3. Promotion of the Level of Scholastic Research
We will have the teaching faculty focus on the four research/teaching areas (see Diagram 1 above) to conduct systematic study thereon, and communicate with each others to integrate their findings in different fields accordingly. In addition, the Department will host seminars periodically to demonstrate its scholastic achievements. On the other hand, it will be our imminent task to offer doctor degrees in the near future. Finally, it is always the Department's object to broaden the students' careers, and therefore the teaching faculty will do every efforts to strengthen the training of research abilities of the students.
As to our expectation, as revealed by change of the Department's name from "Department of Land Economics and Administration" to "Department of Real Estate and Built Environment", the Department will integrate the three fields including Real
Estate, Urban/Country Planning and Environmental Management from a more international perspective, and develop toward the following:
1.Development of Department Affairs: We offer doctor degrees, and make the course, research, and education structure more complete. In addition, we will broaden the education, research and practice levels, so as to enhance the communication with the universities, colleges, and industries locally and internationally.
2.Enhancement of Courses and Researches: We will strengthen the cooperation among professors and students in research fields, and categorize the classes and research accordingly. The purpose is to systematically enrich the class contents and reveal the research niches, and enhance the integration and cooperation among different fields.
3.Upgrading of Teaching Faculty: We will retain renowned scholars and professionals both locally and internationally as regular or visiting professors to enrich the reaching faculty. In addition, we will enhance the communication with the universities, colleges, and industries locally and internationally to promote the flexibility of teaching, research and classes.