Call for Research and Review Article: International Journal of Current Research (Ijcr)
The INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH (IJCR) (ISSN: 0975-833X) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published monthly is dedicated to increasing the depth of Current Research across disciplines with the ultimate aim of improving current research.
International Journal of Current Research (Ijcr)
Call for Research and Review Article
We welcome papers from both academicians and practitioners on theories, business models, conceptual paradigms, academic research, and consultancy projects. All subject areas of Biology and life sciences: Agriculture, Anatomy, Astrobiology, Behaviour, Bioacoustics and etc., Computer and Information Sciences: Artificial intelligence, Catalogs, Computer applications, Computer architecture, and etc., Earth sciences: Atmospheric science, Earth, Geochemistry, Geography, Geology and etc., Ecology and environmental sciences: Aquatic environments, Biogeochemistry, Biogeography, Bio-indicators, Conservation science and etc., Engineering and technology: Aerospace engineering, Architectural engineering, Automotive engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical engineering and etc., Medicine and health sciences: Anatomy, Anaesthesiology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular medicine and etc., People and places: Demography, Geographical locations, Population groupings and etc., Physical sciences: Astronomical sciences, Chemistry, Materials science, Mathematics, Physics and etc., Research and analysis methods: Animal studies, Bioassays and physiological analysis, Biological cultures and etc., Science policy: Bioethics, Open science, Research funding and etc., Social sciences: Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics and etc.,
Impact Factor: 7.749
Index Copernicus ICV 2016 = 72.25
Call for Papers
Volume 10, Issue 11, NOVEMBER - 2018
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