本系特聘教授"賴世剛博士"(已退休)新書「Planning Behavior: Theories and Experiments」出版
本系特聘教授"賴世剛教授"(已退休)的新書Planning Behavior: Theories and Experiments,已經由英國Cambridge Scholars Publishing出版社出版
“The way people plan and how they produce ‘good’ plans is an area we know relatively little about but how we plan is critical to producing more sustainable, equitable, and efficient cities. In this short but intense book, Shih-Kung Lai outlines how we might formally begin to understand how we might make rational decisions building on recent advances in decision theory. His focus builds particularly on the theories developed in rational choice theory by Tversky and Kahneman and the application of these ideas and their merger with other forms of rationality in what has come to be called ‘The Illinois School of Thinking about Plans”. This is essential reading for all those interested in planning methodologies and the way these methods might enable us to tackle effectively some of the most urgent problems that our cities face in the 21st century.”
Michael Batty
Bartlett School of Planning
University College London