【安永聯合會計師事務所_徵才】策略與交易諮詢服務 - 不動產估價師

  • 2021-10-20
  • 簡 長毅

安永聯合會計師事務所 - 不動產估價師
職稱 企業評價諮詢評估服 - 不動產評估鑑價服務

  1. Conduct real estate research; analyze information obtained from various channels and prepare valuation reports.
  2. Review and analyze real estate valuation reports issued by other firms in order to assist audit teams on projects associated with fair value measurements.
  3. Appraise real estate values using the income approach, market approach or asset-based approach for transaction, financial reporting or tax purposes.
  4. Work closely with the assurance teams, clients, targets and other professionals in the financial due diligence, legal, tax and valuation fields.
  5. Provide valuation advisory support to clients during discussions on transactions.
  6. Assist clients to conduct real estate transaction.
  7. Train junior staff.
工作性質 全職
具備證照 高考不動產估價師
工作年資 不限
上班地點 台北市信義區基隆路一段3339
上班時段 日班,09:00-18:00
學歷要求 大學以上
請洽 安永人力資源部 Nicko Lo / 羅秀暉
電話 (02) 2757 - 8888 #65132
E-mail Nicko.SF.Lo@tw.ey.com
更多職缺機會請至104人力銀行 搜尋 安永聯合會計師事務所